
Soul music with a greater emphasis on beats, influences from
rhythm and blues, jazz and psychedelic rock



With the Trip Series we take you to far away countries or other music genres. This time we travel via France to Italy, Spain and a little side trip to Portugal. So make yourself comfortable on your balcony and enjoy a Pernod, Campari, Sangria or any other drink. We will… 

Funky Tamborin

Funky Tamborim

Brazilian Funk is a style, which rather transmits the melodious and tender side of brasil music. This mix is associated with the A-Side of our Música Popular Brasileira Trip series.   O funkeiros Bobeira – Edson FredericoA Carioca, who caused a sensation as one of the best new pianists of… 

Luiza Manequim

Luiza Maniquim

Before we hear the funky B-Side we have to listen to the sound of brasil music which is very close to the poetic language and its rhythm. With Luiza Maniquim we even got a delicacy from Portugal.   Música Popular Brasileira Música Popular Brasileira (MPB) is the name given today… 

The Beat goes on

The Beat Goes on

A journey beside of black music. The years of Yé-yé, Hippies and one hit wonders mixed in a row. Mother’s music and stuff I heard on radio when I was a kid.   Pop Stories Yé-yé music was a mostly European phenomenon and usually featured young female singers. France Gall,… 

the soviets

The Soviets

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union was a place filled with restrictive laws and extreme xenophobia. So, it’s not surprising that Communist officials would want to control just what music was broadcast on government-sanctioned radio stations. But there were a lot space for music in Poland, Ungaria, Yugoslavia and other… 

Blow Away

Blow Away

This spontaneous mix is a special for the International Women’s Day 2020. These voices have touched me shortly or forever and showed me how much can be achieved with little and cleverness. Silence can be strong. This mix is for all those women out there who have to fight for… 
