Hot soul compilation by Adam Kvasnica from Slovakia

Adam Kvasnica
Lawyer with passion to music. More importantly, long-time vinyl collector and the program director of a local radio station in Slovakia, who delights you with mixes of fine music.
He present for us a silky selection of finest soul. The first track reveals already wich direction the mix goes. Beautiful Nothern Soul.
The fresh Doris & Kelley‘s “You don’t Have to worry” shows the way. “Gotta Have Money” from James Conwell & The Exits is or me the first highlight. Conwell was the Exits’ x-factor, a magnificent lead singer with a voice similar to Howard Tate‘s, but a more melodic, soaring, and harmonious instrument that could jerk tears from a mummy. They made noise in pockets across America with their first release in August 1967.
“Put a smile on your face” from EJ & The Echoes is a sweet Soul.
The Echoes were a doo-wop group from Los Angeles, California, one of the few black mixed-gender vocal ensembles of rhythm and blues that had releases on major record labels. Another beauty is “Thanks to you” by The Egyptians. My Favorite is for sure “The Queen” by Big Ella from 1968.
Thanks Adam for this souly piece of music
Michel from Funkologie
Playlist will follow, maybe…
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